College/Universities fee concession:

Hey! Everyone..

This petition is for all the students of colleges/universities. As, we are all stuck in lockdown from the mid of the March, we didn't complete our semester.

All we know (Teachers as well) that nobody can study by online medium (Zoom meeting and all). This is just a formality and nothing else. Teachers could not able to provide us proper study material. 

After all this, How can you pay full semester fee?

We didn't attend college, we know how our parents are in pressure because of lockdown. No source of income from 2½months. We can't pay my full semester fee as we're from middle class family. And why i pay full fee? Did college provide us enough knowledge in this lockdown period?

So, here's the petition in the favour of the students who can not pay full semester fee. We want colleges/universities to give us 50% concession in next semester (which starts from July).


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