Junior Cycle students call for a change of the Junior cycle 2021 examinations.

My fellow students and I are making this petition to bring our views towards the Junior Cyle examinations going ahead to the attention of those who have a bigger impact and the power to change it such as those in our government, the minister for education Norma Foley and the chairman of the SEC Patrick Burke.

Our reasons for doing this include ...

  • We want to adress the unfairness of our situation if the exams were to go ahead, considering we have missed 21.76% of our Junior Cycle learning experience over the last three years. So you see, We don't see it fit nor fair for the exmas to go ahead.
  • Even though we have been in school for the last four months while the virus has spread rapidly. We have been learning through a pod system. But would you still consider it learning with no teacher present while you are just completing the work they have assigned.
  • We also want to take this oppurtunity as a call for clarity as it is not just the pandemic it's self adding to our stress it's the not knowning whether the exams will go ahead .

We believe it would be more beneficial if we were to know whether or not these tests would go towards our final grades that way we could channell all of our energy into showing our teachers what we can and will achieve. So we are asking you to sign this petition, Make your opinions heard and bring it to the governments attetion that we want them to cancel the upcoming junior certificate examinations of 2021

Abigail O'Brien Murray and Lily May Reilly    Contact the author of the petition

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