Justice Without Self-Knowledge | Woman is a toy for Male in Society

quote20240114065725.jpgRecently, Madhya Pradesh High Court claimed that, 

"Wife’s refusal to have physical relations with husband amounts to cruelty, is ground for divorce".



What kind of social justice is this? Forget justice, how ignorant and violent people we are within that, the judiciary in a democratic country looks at women as a toy for male. This is nothing but the effect of deep dark primitive tendencies to have sex with opposite gender, to give respect chemical blasts without knowing what it is. It is lack of self-knowledge, true spirituality.

Indians call woman as goddess. Let's make sex with goddess. First of all, why there is just a belief? Why they are not given freedom? Why they have deprived of self-knowledge and material strength? Why one should follow societal norms and stupid tradition? And what kind of society we make that, after giving a birth to girl child, Indians think for dowry and marriage. Where is higher education, where is freedom? Why there is marriage first of all, just to fulfil sexual desire?

Don't give excuses that, they are for homemaking? If you can, appoint your mother at that post. Women are not product for consume and a machine to give birth. And it is really shocking to see that, women are ready to sleep on bed, use cosmetics to attract the male having sex. And after marital rape, they rush towards court for justice and we have made such a stupid justice center that, the animals sitting their are just intelligent, degree-holders, but not self-aware.

This campaign is to aware all that, don't be women, be human. Have self-knowledge. And kind request to judiciary and other societal authorities, don't go what society wants, go with what is right, and for that, go with self-knowledge first.

Share it more and more. #stopblindjustice #stopwomenobjectification

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