No Indian Medical Visa to Pakistan, Bangladesh & Afghanistan unless they stop persecution on their religious minorities.

  1. To 

The Honourable Prime Minister &

Foreign Minister 

Govt of India 


India has been showing too much generosity to her neighbours despite their constant hostility. In their turn, tortures like forced conversion, rapes, murders, evictions etc of minorities especially Hindus population are regular incidents in these three countries. Indian government has thus tried to extend her citizenship facility to accommodate these persecuted communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan..This endeavor has encountered opposition not only nationwide but also in the entire subcontinent. Even after outbreak of Covid-19 their attitude towards India and Hindus in particular has not changed at all. On contrary India is still continuing to help her neighbours as and when required or even voluntarily. It donated Bangladesh 150 ambulances in recent past in addition to regular aids. 

Now, what's the use of such help to a few ungrateful nations who while depending on India for treatment, education, finance, trade & commerce and many other spheres, continue to maintain hostility with India and brutality on communal ground?

So our demand is to stop doing unjust charity and stop issuing Medical Visa to Bangladeshis and Pakistanis unless they stop persecution and atrocities on their religious minorities. It will not worsen the plights of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian communities in those countries; rather can be placed as a condition to improve the condition of the persecuted communities.

If you agree please sign the petition and get our cry reach the central government. 

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