Petition AGAINST the withdrawal of Wentworth-Nord from the Cultural Partnership with MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut

On November 15th 2019, at the City Council meeting, a resolution was adopted for the Withdrawal of Wentworth-Nord from the Cultural Partnership with the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut. The consequences are that our artists, artisans and art and culture organizations (including Galerie d'art Montfort) are now deprived of any access to the MRC's art/culture services, programs, support or grants.

That means no more Stations éphémères (which we won this year), no more Rendez-vous Art-Thé, Journées de la culture, patrimonial circuits, history and patrimonial balado-découvertes, no more showcasing of our historical/patrimonial assets, and our events will not have access to the MRC site or the site for promotion and advertising.

All of this without ever consulting the artistic or cultural community, the Table de concertation, or even the municipality's own Cultural committee, despite a massive opposition shown and expressed by artists and artisans during that City Council meeting, and despite the fact that most citizens that were at the meeting for other reasons stood up and intervened to support our opposition to that resolution.


By signing this petition, I support our artists, artisans and our artistic and cultural organizations, I ask Wentworth-Nord City Council to cancel its November 15th resolution and I request that the Municipality DOES NOT WITHDRAW FROM THE CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP with the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut. And so I sign :

Table de concertation des Arts et de la Culture de Wentworth-Nord    Contact the author of the petition

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