Petition for County Clean-Up scheme to be adapted as a national education and environmental iniative by the new Irish Government

We are a group of T.Y. students from Waterford City and we are partaking within a competition entitled Young Environmentalist Awards. Our project is a scheme we hope to implement for the 2020/2021 school year all across our county. It is entitled County Cleanup Scheme and we hope to use it to tackle the immense amount of litter in our local areas. 


This scheme would entail each year group in all Irish schools getting one day off per year to clean up a designated local area. This even in our local area of Waterford City would mean that with all schools considered, over 150 groups of around 30 students would be cleaning our streets for the months of the school year. 


We have figured out the system it would run under for our region, we have developed a scheme for schools in Waterford to share their litter picking equipment and we are currently in discussions with our local schools about introducing this initiative for the 2020/2021 school year. 

We are asking you to sign this petition to give our proposal support and backing. 

Thank you, 

The County Clean-Up Scheme Team.

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