Petition for Mei Hua Wang for Exemption to Immigration and Nationality Act 212(a)(3)(D)(i)

This petition is to provide support for an exemption to INA 212(a)(3)(D)(i) for the I-485 Adjustment of Status Application of Mei Hua Wang.  This section states:

i) In general
Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.

We, the undersigned petitioners attest to the following:

We have known Mei Hua Wang since about October of 2018

Mei Hua Wang is a member and regular participant in the Salt and Light Life Group of Enon Baptist Church, Morris Alabama.

Mei Hua Wang has often expressed her genuine Christian beliefs and her disdain for what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Christian Church in China.

Mei Hua Wang has never displayed any beliefs, behavior, or opinions that in any way support the Chinese Communist Party.

Mei Hua Wang has never expressed any opinion or displayed any behavior that would indicate that she is a threat to the National Security of the United States.

Mei Hua Wang has never expressed any opinion that supports the overthrow of the United States Government.


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