Petition for waiving off the enrollment fees


     We, the students of North Bengal University, are now in a state of great anguish. In the current situation when covid-19 pandemic has destroyed our economy completely, then on 10th July'20, the authority of our university published one notice regarding the submission of  examination fees in the name of enrollment fees for the 4th semester students along with the  supplementary candidates of 2nd and 3rd semester.  After recieving this notice we, who are suffering a great economical crisis during this lock down period, have sent several e-mails to the university authority and also we have placed our demands before examination controller. But surprisingly, even after recieving our e-mails about our problems, they are stick to their decision of taking enrollment fees. Most probably you are aware of the fact that the maximum number of the students of North Bengal University come from peasant and labour families. So we consider that the decision of taking fees in this covid-19 situation is completely  undemocratic and unethical. 

       So we are requesting you to look into this matter sincerely and kindly  waive off all the fees as it has come upon the students like a burden in this critical pandemic situation. 

                                           Thanking you —

                                       The students of NBU

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