Protect Landlords

On July 2, 2020, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy entered Executive Order No. 162 which extended the public health emergency and state of emergency for the State of New Jersey with no set date for expiration.  Thereafter, the New Jersey Supreme Court suspended eviction proceedings until two months after Gov. Phil Murphy declares an end to the COVID-19 health emergency.  In most cases, tenants are and have been working throughout the pandemic but have taken advantage of the pandemic and have choosen to not pay their rent or any other expense that they are required under contract (Lease Agreement) to pay while Landlords are required to pay their mortgages, taxes and other property related expenses.  In many case, Landlords depend on these rental payments to pay for the expenses associated with their property (i.e mortgages, taxes, etc.) and because of what the  government and Courts have placed in effect, stand to lose what they have worked so hard for all their lives.  These are our properties and essentially what they are ordering us to do is forfeit any rights we have in what we have worked all our lives to pay for and maintain.  It is absoujltely criminal that tenants are taking advantage of the public health emergency, yet the government and Courts are protecting them.   It is unfair that as a Landlord we have absolutely no right in our property other than to pay our mortgages, taxes, etc., while supporting deadbeat tenants.  No one knows how long this pandemic will go on and it is unfair that Landlords bear the brunt of non-payment of rents for an extended period of time.  If rents cannot be paid after a three (3) month period of time, then the Courts should review and allow evictions to proceed.

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