YdhJuBywBkHtTDc-800x450-noPad.jpgToday,all we know about the hathras victim case but no one knows about the overall cases happend in india in every single day. According to the National Crime Record Bureau report the overall ratio of rapes in India is 5.2 on every 10,00,000 females. It raise a question over India that our country is safe for females to stay here ?. A country which have longest constitution in world didn't able to make a prominent law on it ? A country in which we do worship of kaali and durga who is our goddess  its not about a religion its all about our whole country which respect women . A country which praises Maharani Laxmi Bai for her Bravery we have soo many examples of women who make this country proud and i didn't think so that our country is not able to make a prominent law for them. Its not about a single case and justice for a single victim we want justice for all we want a prominent law. Our youth are also capable to give a shape to new India ( a rape free India ). Its our duty to make potent our country to fight with this. 

Many solutions have been offered in the light of this rape and in the past. Some of these include:
1. The setting up of fast track courts (as in Rajasthan recently) to ensure speedy trials.
2. The imposition of maximum, exemplary sentence.
3. The immediate clearing of all pending cases involving crimes against women.
4. Immediate training and sensitisation of police force to crimes against women, including domestic violence, molestation and sexual assault.
5. The immediate passage of pending bills that seek to protect women, including the Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Bill 2012 and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2012
6. Consultations with the Ministry of Human Resources to see how best to address the issue of sensitising boys through the school curriculum.
7. National-level, open consultations involving civil society and other stake-holders on how best to tackle the growing misogyny and hostility against women as well as rising crimes against them.
Despite having so many women in positions of political leadership, a survey by TrustLaw found India to be ranked as the worst country in the world for women. At a time when women are increasingly claiming their rightful share of half the sky and asserting their autonomy and independence, the rising crimes against them are conducted with absolute impunity by criminals who have no fear of the law.
We are writing to you in the hope that you will direct government and judiciary to take special note of the escalation of gender violence and work together on a priority basis to implement the measures detailed above.
Lack of gender justice, lack of fear of the law, police and judicial apathy, failure of governance and shrinking public spaces is a matter of grave concern, not just for women but for every citizen of this country.

 We don't want justice for one we want a prominent law for all.

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