Safeguarding Our Vulnerable Youth - Installation of Cameras in Preschool and Special need Classrooms



A recent incident in a local Warren Co Preschool classroom (which included disabled and nonverbal students) has made us realize that we need to do more to protect our children, especially those who can't defend themselves. So, here's a simple solution: let's install cameras in all preschool and special needs classrooms. Cameras will not only discourage bad behavior but also provide evidence and support staff who report it. We strongly believe that if cameras were already in place, this incident could have been prevented or dealt with much sooner. By installing cameras in these classrooms, we can ensure the safety of our kids and give a voice to those who can't speak up. We, are signing this to call on the school administration, school board, and authorities to take immediate action. Let's install cameras in all preschool and special needs classrooms to create a safe environment for our vulnerable children.

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