Avoid the green digital vaccination pass all over the world!



Dear friends,

As our governments will obligate the dangerous vaccination for activities like travelling in the future, I feel compelled to start this petition because it's about live and die.

This vaccination pass is a hidden compulsory vaccination, which will divide the entire world into two sides. 

The unvaccinated people would be discriminated against and pushed into the background, while vaccinated people are allowed to enjoy their freedom, human and fundamental rights. 

Additionally, this pass isn't useful for a disease that is similar to influenza in the last years, because we had travelled without this pass before the ''Corona crisis'' began.


1. We call on all over the world, that nobody should put up with anything!

2. We call on the governments to turn around immediately.                                               Otherwise, it will not end well for everyone!

3. We call you to go on the street and fight for your rights!

4. We call on you now to sign this petition and share with two friends in order to make this petition great.










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