Raise Employee Pay



For those who are unaware, business leaders across Los Santos have been requesting a pay increase for employees for a long time. However employee pay has largely remained unchanged, and the government has yet to prioritize this issue. As a result, jobs like Lumber and Mining have historically been the preferred choice of employment for new residents, as they offer the best and most consistent source of income available. This dynamic has resulted in fewer businesses being open, as owners are unable to match the wages provided from Mining/Lumber.

Conversely, the government of Los Santos currently subsidizes the wages for all employees who are clocked-in, and is rightfully concerned about increasing this pay for fear of enabling certain individuals the ability to farm even MORE money. Unfortunately many individuals "clock-in" and never open any business or provide any services to the community.

So I, Freder Michael, suggest that businesses incorporate stations within the premises of their establishments that could be used to provide additional funds to their employees. I propose each business have up to 5 stations that operate much like the DOC reduced time incentive program. These stations could offer employees the ability to sweep, clean and otherwise maintain their establishment, while earning extra cash even when customers are not present. This will encourage employees to perform these tasks routinely, thus providing more ambiance and activity inside the business. The extra funds will only be accessible through these stations, so the government can be assured that employees are unable to farm extra funds while not being at their place of employment. I believe this will result in more businesses being open, and staffed and ready to serve the city at large.

Its important that the issue of employee pay is addressed immediately! This is why I have raised this petition requesting your support. I care about the state of the city, and the direction it goes, and I believe prioritizing services, and those who provide those services is essential.

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