Redesign of Kianugu Blackspot (Kikopey Gilgil) and Erection of Bumps at Laikipia University Mbaruk Area



Dear Ministry of Roads and Public Works/ KENHA (South Rift)

Roads are a great infrastructure and plays a big role in enabling trade through movement of goods, services and people. The Nakuru- Gilgil Highway has been of great benefit to residents and kenyans in general. There is however an enduring problem in two sections of the highway, where countless lives have been lost due to car accidents. The Kianugu blackspot just as you descend the hill towards Gilgil town at kikopey (Nyama Choma Area), and Laikipia University Area of Mbaruk. The two blackspots can be converted into safe havens through a redesign. The Kianugu blackspot can be redesigned through an expansion into a dual carriage to some few 100 meters towards Kikopey center and erection of barricades similar to those in Salgaa. Drivers cause accident because of the sudden narrowing of the road at the end of the climbing lane, especially those ascending Kikopey from Gilgil. KENHA has the most competent engineers in the region and ones able to rectify the problem easily. The Mbaruk blackspot can be made safe through erection of bumps to prevent hit and run incidences at the busy and highly populated section. It is true that highways don't need bumps, but people's lives are sacred and need to be protected at all costs. The right to life is guaranteed by the 2010 constitution of Kenya. 

Sankara Joe Githua    Contact the author of the petition

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