Petition for Making Compulsory for Doctors to explain the reason behind the patient Organs disorder and illness to the family

Petition For Making Compulsory for all Doctors to explain the patient Family what is the Cause of the disease, illness, Organ Disorder in in the patient body

Recently My Office Senior passed away he was fit and according to their family he didn't have any type of desiease or disorder 

There was no problem in his health Suddenly he got a heart attack his family admitted him In the hospital after a day when he was stablize doctor recommended to put Stent in his heart after Operation he was normalise in start but after couple of hours another problem arise doctor told us that his kidney has been failed, after dialysis and Ventilation in just 5 days he Passed away the family still doesn't know how all this happen the reason of heart attack the reason of kidney failure None was been told by the doctor 

I Saw his Son Crying and believe me I can not forget his face crying in sorrow

So Please Everyone Support this petition please 


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